Cephalectomy - Unto the Darkly Shining Abyss Lyrics

[- The Covenant of Vengeance - 9:09]

We are the lost ones of a time before time
We are the burning pain upon souls of men
We are the iniquitous children born of Earth
We are standing at the foundations of Chaos
Know that man was spawned from the blood of Kingu
Commander to the hordes of the dreadful Ancient ones
And know now that man does possess his baneful spirit
This the cold seed of rebellion against those Elder gods
And blood of man is the blood of vengeance
And blood of man is the spirit of vengeance
And power of man is power of the Ancients
And let it be known that this is the covenant
Know that man holds the sign, the shape and the number
By which he may summon the stale blood of his parents
And know that this is the covenant created by Elder gods
Man is the key in which the gate may be again flung wide
Such as man is the key
By which the ancient ones
may seek their vengeance
Upon the mighty Cthulhu
Whom lies between worlds
And does truely call death
To those in realm of men
As they are keys of demise

[- Of Cephalomancy and Mystic Etchings - 8:25]

As Marduk lies.. Dreaming
A vision of chaos..
Filled with dread.. Fear
Awaken to see.. Dreams
Cthulhu lying upon bodies of men
Upon time to cross..
Saw burning.. Gods
Upon corpse of Tiamat
Sixty times water of life
As she may call to Ancient gods
Hearken Tiamat! and know as i speak this unto you i am he whom hath restored
your life. Go forth unto your Ancient bretherin and speak unto them i have seen
their faces in death. With all powers of Cephalomancy i have conjured visions
of the futre and it is one of unlife. Know that the mighty Cthulhu shall consume all
and all shall be as dead but not dreaming. Tiamat did rear up upon the body of
Marduk and she did become as smoke unto winds. Marduk did begin his journey
upon the realm of men and did become as man himself. Between space he flew
as light between stars unto the sphere of Kia he did become. And so he did set
out among men to find the key to the gates of baneful mighty Cthulhu
Over worlds
Between spaces
Across lands
Through seas
And one man shall be the salvation of our kind and of their own kind for he is
the key. Yet upon the woods i do find this ecclesiastic soul whom holds the
sacred keys of sorcery. Awakening of our souls yields a name a shape and a
number by which the gate may open. Upon throes of maelstrom a binding of
light to the sigil of Cthulhu known as a sign of chaos
Through seas
Across lands
Between spaces
Over worlds
Where upon the thrones of Tiamat i did stoop and beside me the key of man did
kneel down. With a baneful howl the body of tiamat did rear upon the key and he
did stand fast and strong. Marduk you have come to me once more with a one
from races of men so tell me of visions. And with that the Ancient ones surrounded
our bodies and we did call out to the death of Cthulhu
Over worlds
Between spaces
Across lands
Through seas
Beyond the wanderers of night they rose yet past the winged elementals, before
dimensional manifestations, beyond the ethereal vortex, past fallen ruins of Kia,
and through gates of astral frost they journeyed. And it was known to them that
this one of men would be the key to life. And Kingu did summon weapons with
no equal of power that they may do battle against this Ancient god of rebellion and
lies. For it was known that a magnificent battle was upon them.
Whence upon the first gate they did arrive they did kneel
and they did call to the watcher for strength.

[- The Burning Disks of Unlife - 0:87]

Before the first gate the key did stand, summoning a whirlwind of force he opened
the gate. Beyond a dormant corridor lies faces of monsters
Under path of Cthulhu they follow and they howl
Let us make bones of bodies, heaps of their flesh
A battle ensued of a great time and of destruction
Yet as all became clear
Those of Marduk standing
Masses of gravaged bones
Piles of that decaying flesh
Upon the gate of two the did stum with the blood of monsters upon their faces
Let any whom dare satnd before us hearken forth now lest i summon demons
That they may do battle against any whom do stand in shadows of loathing fear
Before us stand and make yourself known to me lest i summon those demons
Shadows did appear as one and did stand before those of Marduk and of Tiamat
Before sound or light the shadows lashed with disks of blackness and of death
It was known that the head of Ishtar did fall upon ground as death shrouded her
Marduk cried out with spears of fire upon the spirit and blew an evil wind upon it

[- Demons of the Wanderings - 1:09]

Enraged.. with emotion
Upon her corpse.. a sword
In spaces.. between spaces
We hid her body as laid to rest
Upon .. gate of three
We stood.. and it opened
Passed.. as would be
At gate of four we stood before
He of men stood before the gate of four
Lord Shammash upon unto me your gate
By name of Uddu i beg of you open to me
Lest i break apart its barriers with forces
With a blinding light the gate did open wide
Revealing unto all a beast of dark wanderings
And it did rise upon he of men with sorcery
Yet Marduk did summon winds of bane into it
As the Akhkharu reared upon its sepentine belly
It raised upon Marduk with an evil emotion
Edin na zu! Edin na zu! Destroyer of worlds!
Binding in fear and clasped upon hands of stars
Arise! Go far away! Be shamed! Flee! Turn away from my body!
Go to the desert! I command thee! In name of shammash
Go to the desert! Not to rise before me once more
Be commanded by Shammash the mighty
Be commanded by gods of magick, your destroyer!
Kakkammu Kanpa Barra Homme!
Zi Dingir Kia Kanpa!

[- The Battle of all Endings - 4:20]

Yet in realms of Cthulu he did grow weary of such battles
And did cast spells of opening upon those remaining gates
Called.. from past
As day turned unto darkness marduk did draw ever near
As Cthulhu reared upon his throne with a baneful howl
Stand.. before me
Marduk did enter upon the realm of Cthulhu with caution
Cthulhu did close the final gate before others may have entered
Now.. your death
Marduk lept fourth upon cthulhu with spears of demon spawn
As Cthulhu lunged with howls of demonic monster serpents
Who.. shall fall
With a flame and howl of calling
Marduk fell with wounds of death
With spears and howls of calling
Cthulhu fell with wounds of death
Marduk undead nor dreaming
Staring eyes of the others death
Cthulhu undead nor dreaming
Staring unto the eyes of death
Hearken Cthulhu and hear me as i speak unto you
You have called us forth for your death as known
What spirits of iniquity did fill your soul with treachery
It is upon you i lay my sword for it is your fates that call
Cthulhu did become filled with fires of strength and sorcery
As Marduk lay upon ground he did become pale with fear
With an enraged yell Cthulhu did beckon all forces of Uggae
For now it would be the magician who would lye dreaming
Be known elder god your fates are howling death and dreams
One shall fall in as death and all shall be known of his loss
As Cthulhu lay the blade of Marduk's sword upon his body
And with a swift motion the corpse of Marduk lay without head
Storms of black rain fell upon the land and the final gate opened
Once more mighty Tiamat stared upon Cthulhu and saw the corpse
The last thing Tiamat did see as Cthulhu did rendered her lifeless
And many would stand before Cthulhu and all would be as death
Yet one stood upon the throne of Cthulhu with sword of Marduk
And as Cthulhu did sense a presence he saw his enemies face
As the blade did carve out upon the throat of the mighty serpent
Lifeless Cthulhu fell upon the corpse of Tiamat, headless and dreaming

[- Markings of Chaos - 6:66]

Stoop not down...
Unto a darkened abyss..
Realms of death..
Of darkened waters..
A wind has risen! Dark waters stir! Signs of Chaos!
This lyrics has been read 373 times.