I want it to be like it was before.
Kill Kill Kill Kill
To feed the need to feel the need to feed the need to bleed.
To feel you squirm
Ill make you feel just like a lowly worm
To feed the need to feel the need to feed the need to bleed.
To feel the pain
Liquid bliss
I need a fix
Well I'm feeling great
To feel this pain
The pain…
The pain…
The pain junkie
Pain junkie
Pain junkie
Just a pain, pain junkie.
I just get little confused sometimes...
To feel the need to feed the need to feel the pain to feel the cut to tear my flesh With a razor blade
Feel the burn
Feel like a worm
Liquid bliss
Well I need a fix
Pain junkie
It will be weeks before they find her dead body
Lying in bed
The smell is intense
All the maggots made
A human flesh feast