When all of your living is one last stand
And you're looking around for a friendly hand
But your friends have all sailed off to some other land
Where their battles demand
And you're left here to fight on the best you can
Your back's to the ocean, trying to defend
Those reasons that made you the kind of man
Who's left alone on the sand
Don't let those blue waves drag you away
When you're floating in oceans lost in deserts of sea
You can send out a message: Please come and save me
With your notes go bottled hopes that somebody might read
Won't they send some relief?
If you're just treading water, face up for air
Soaked through and heavy, both tired and sacred
Those waves keep on rolling, you wish someone were holding you up from despair
Don't let those blue waves drag you away
You've been pushed around
Held down
You've been bobbing up and down
Nearly drowned
But there's hope to be found
Down from that blue sky they'll come and carry you away