Ballet School - Day off School Lyrics

Oh don't wake me up
My bed is so warm
I'm sleeping

It's quarter past eight
Just ten minutes more
I need them

Outside is so white
It's not even light
It's freezing

Can't you get up first?
I think it's your turn
Yet again

Our mom's on the phone
Can't hear what she's saying
But hopefully we're taking the day off school

(oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh, ...)

This is the dream
To spend the whole day
In PJs

And breakfast is late
Cause dad made us wait
For pancakes

Let's turn up a bed
Into a tent
And play with Lollypop the Cat

(oh Lollypop, Lollypop, Lollypop the Cat)

I can't believe
It's only ten thirty
It's so much fun taking the day off school

Do you wanna watch a video?
Do you wanna go play in the snow?
I don't care if it is merely cold
Dad says we could both wear his big coat

Tumbling around in a white heaven
Strange and quiet, no cars on the road
In a minute we'll go in for diner
I like being out here, but it's getting to cold

You're my best friend
You make everything
As wonderful as taking the day off school
This lyrics has been read 210 times.