I conjure thee by him to whom all creatures are obediant, by this ineffable name
Tetragrammaton YHWY
Its the key...its the lesser key...
of Solomon the King
In the night, in the circle
and outside is the triangle
the priest is calling out the names
in the night to the profane
Its the key...its the lesser key...
of Solomon the King
And from the void the spirit comes
in any form it may come
And in the sigil on the ground
the spirit will be bound
But it wont...wont be bound
not this time, by the sigil on the ground
Imperfection is his end
The triangle bends
In the night the demon comes
before the priest who is so young
he believes the demons contained
but the demon thinks another way
Dont you see what you've done
the sign is wrong
I am now free
I take my leave...
Now the priest he falls to his knees
because of him the entitiy is free
Its the key...its the lesser key...
of Solomon the King
Its the key...
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