Without Death Penalty - Dreamsincellophane Songtexte
Dancing with the hours, in a wagon we live one hour by day.
Insomnia turned to be a big friend, oh the smiling tornados
You keep those magazines inside that briefcase like a memory of life
Like Dreams in Cellophane
Those trophy houses are waiting, the sun is shining, and the paper looks so real
You keep these bank letters like a valentines day present.
Inside you know, the life you always wanted is one step closer
Should I climb this stair, could my new house define me?
Am I waiting something…?
The way I imagine
Her Face said "I don't want it"
The nails I Crave in my hands
I see my soul dancing inside this sapphire
You Hide emotion inside the vase
Until Miss Dead Eyes knocked you in the back
Remembering you that your new house didn't came with a smile
Offer refused, your love is gone, and this house has broken
Doors, Golden Necklace in frozen bed
A roof falls, a dead (end)
Alone I walk; this house became alive, and swelled me.