Terry Allen - Gimme a Ride to Heaven Boy Songtexte
Well I was caught up with myself
On the highway at night
Drivin like a bat outta hell
When I beheld an amazing sight
It was a lonely apparition
By the roadside standing there
With his thumb out in the wilderness
And a halo in his hair
He said "Gimme a ride to heaven boy
I'll Show you paradise
Yeah gimme a ride to heaven boy
My name is Jesus Christ"
So I come screeching to a halt
I said "Hop on in"
He sais "thanks a lot for the lift
I forgive you of your sins
Yeah I just come from Jerusalem
Where things are going bad
Ahhh gimme a ride to heaven boy
I need to talk to my dad"
Well I didn't know what to do
So I jammed her down in gear
Kind a kicked my feet beneath the seat
I was trying to hide the beer
Ahhh but he just grinned and said "My friend,
I know you must think it's odd
But you got nothin to fear about drinkin a beer
If you share it with the son of God"
Well I saw good news in his baby blues
So I stomped it on the floor
I said you have to show me how to get there
I ain't been before
"Well it