An endless march
You just sweat from the heat
Your eyes scan the land
Dust and dirt scratch you and stream inward you
From your skin to the core of your childlike soul
All you see
All you spilled
Remember every face you kill
For the sins
Hear the screams
Nothing can heal the pain you feel
Gather your might
And carve a bloody path
Trail the ghosts through your life
Help to build a throne of bones and flesh you killed
For the king, who stays forever unseen
All you see
All you spilled
Remember every face you kill
For the sins
Hear the screams
Nothing can heal the pain you feel
You survive
Stay alive
You must learn that wars will never end
Open scars
Crimson marks
You'll never clean your hands
Salary for carrying a nightmare
Stand in the rain
Try to wash your filth
All you see
All you spilled
Remember every face you kill
For the sins
Hear the screams
Nothing can heal the pain you feel
You survive
Stay alive
You must learn that wars will never end
Open scars
Crimson marks
You'll never clean your hands