Julie Fowlis - Rugadh Mi 'teis Meadhan Na Mara (I Was Born in The Songtexte

Trì lìog o thìr;
An taigh geal beag agam an sin
Le conasg a' fàs mun doras.
Tha a' mhòinteach ga chuairteachadh.
Rugadh mi 'teis meadhan na mara
An tìr nan garbh-thonn.

Bha m' athair, mar a shinnsir,
Na mharaiche.
Beò neo-ainmeil, gun ghlòir;
Truaghan a bha gann de chliù.
Moch-thràth is anmoch air muir, air flod,
Bha m'athair, mar a shinnsir,
'Slaodadh 'chuid lìn.

Mo mhàthair mar an ceudna 'g obair
Dh' aindeoin bhi liath;
Còmhla rithe, le fallas mo ghnùis,
Dh' ionnsaich mi nuair bha mi òg
Bhith fàs 's a' saothrachadh buntàt';
Mo mhàthair i fhèin ag obair gu cosnadh aran.

Me zo ganet é kreiz er Mor,
ter lèu ér méz;
Un tiig gwenn duhont em-es,
er benal 'gresk etal en nor
Hag el lann e hol en anvez.
Me zo ganet é kreiz er Mor,
e bro Arvor.

Me zad e oé, èl é dadeu,
ur matelod;
Béùet en-des kuh ha diglod
er peur ne gan dén é glodeu.
Bamdé-bamnoz ar er Mor blod.
Me zad e oé, èl é dadeu,

Me mamm eùé e laboura
ha gwenn hé blèu;
Geti, en hwéz ar on taleu,
disket em-es bihannig tra,
Médein ha tennein avaleu.
Me mamm eùè e laboura, d'hounid bara.

I was born in the midst of the Sea,
Three leagues off the shore;
A small white cottage, have I there.
Broom grows by its door,
And the moor spreads all around.
I was born in the midst of the sea,
In the Land of the Sea.

My father was, like his forefathers,
A seaman.
He lived obscure, without glory,
Poor soul, no one praises his memory.
By day, by night on the rolling Sea,
My father was, like his forefathers,
Trawling his nets.

Mother as well, she works,
Despite her white hair;
With her, sweat over the forefront,
I learned, as an infant,
To grow and harvest potatoes.
Mother as well, she works, to earn bread.
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