Fernando Ortega - Reading: Excerpt from Holy Living Songtexte

All praise honor and glory be to thee holy and eternal Jesus.
I Adore you O blessed Redeemer, eternal God,
the light of the Gentiles, and the glory of Israel,
for You have done and suffered for me more than
I could wish, more than I could think of, even all the
lost and the dying sinner could possibly need.

What is man that you are mindful of him
and the son of man that you care for him?
Blessed be your name oh holy Jesus and
blessed be that holy sorrow You endured when
Your disciples fled, and You were left alone in the
hands of cruel men who like evening wolves thirsted
for a drink of your blood. And You were led
to the house of annas. There they asked You
ensnaring questions and were slapped in the
face by him whose ear you had but lately healed.

From there you were dragged to the house of
Caiaphas and there all night you endured spittings,
mockings, scorned insults, blows,
and intolerable cruelties. And all this for man
who was your enemy, the cause of all your sorrows.

What is man that you are mindful of him and the
son of man that you care for him? Blessed be
Your name, oh holy Jesus, and blessed be Your
mercy who when Your servant Peter denied
You and denied You again and swore he did
not know You, You looked back at him,

and by that gracious and correcting look called
him back to himself into You. Blessed be
your name, oh holy Jesus, and blessed be your
patience, who were accused before the
high priest and railed upon and examined to
evil purposes and with designs of blood,
who were declared guilty of death for speaking
the necessary truth, who were sent to pilot and
found innocent, and sent to Herod and still found
innocent, and we're closed in white, both to declare
your innocence and yet to ridicule you,
and we're sent back to Pilate and examined again.

Nothing but innocence was ever found in you,
and yet you willingly stood condemned
for the guilt of man. What is man that you
are mindful of him the son of man that you care for him?
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