Eradykate - Sodomize the Armless Child with a Pneumatic Drill Songtexte
There was a family which had an armless child ;
By chance they lived in myeighbourhood,
And I used to peep at their poor little spawn through the window,
In the bathroom while his mother was washing him.
Oh! I was filled with lust, as I witness the scene ;
Lookin' at this creature with an unperfect body,
I wanna fuck !!!
'Cause it is exciting,
An asshole to be fucked
An no arm to defend it;
It'd be fantastic to see blood runnin' from his anus
With every piston stroke I'd give this armless child !
But do you think he will get
Enough pain from my cock?
No, sure, it'd be better if the work is done
With a pneumatic drill !!!
So once I decided to do it, to screw him
With a pneumatic drill a workman had left on the street
(For my own pleasure, maybe !)
I filled my bag with an axe, hammers, knives, beers,
Razor blades and of course the mighty pneumatic drill,
Then I was ready for a bloody fuck-party !
Breakin' open the door, I enter the home
-Violate !
The father tries to stop my hate, my axe shows him the way
-Treppanning !
The mother cries to loud for me ; I slice her throat open
-Blood disgorges !
Witnessing that carnage, the orphaned child panicks
-Armless, harmless !
Undressesd armless child, waiting for the drill
Violently flatenned against the table
Stump by way of arms, it looks like a worm
I show no mercy and began to bore
My pneumatic drill going through the ass
Excites me so much that I ejaculate!
A viscous liquid spurts on my face
From the quivering butthole - Rectal carnage !
Now my tool is fainting, I flooded the motor with blood guts,
But nothin's better than finishing the work by hand :
My hammer grinds the cracked coccyx and crushes the sacrum
After the butchery, I can feel the fortitude of a beer !