Emptyhead - No Real Americans Songtexte

There have been many misinterpretations of this song. Please let us explain…

The driving force behind the creation of this song is pretty straightforward. "If real Americans believe in this, then no real Americans would do that." The song starts with the belief that the founding fathers, Jefferson, Washington, Madison, Monroe, Adams, Henry, etc., are the geniuses behind our nation's greatness and that they set it all in motion with the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. In their eyes, we were to be a principled people, different than much of the world, because we lived by and acted on these principles. It is not naïve. It is simply straightforward and powerful. From there it's a small step to the song's premise. Real Americans would never sell out those principles or their fellow Americans for corporate profit or individual gain. Even Fascist governments summon up their people's patriotism for obviously wrongful actions. Patriotism without principal is hollow. If you kill Americans by selling them products known to be deadly or put weapons in the hands of people who will use them against us or sell Internet space to hate-mongers or brainwash our young people with violent and criminal content in movies and video games all in the name of greed, than as Emptyhead's opinion states in this song, "There's no real Americans in the likes of these."

Sell your babies off to Hitler
Let 'em wear a bulls-eye for a shirt
Intimidation of the doomed by the doomed
For the damned whose wallet swells
While momma's weepin' on freshly shoveled dirt
Keep 'em thinkin' the enemy's nearby
Let 'em practice killin' all day; pixelations never die
Right and left wings; rob 'em both
Sick old eagle keeps on flyin'
Worm those poison fishhooks with addictive, pretty lies
You're not so clean I smell the blood
On your new suit
The dead and soon to be shadow you
I will be more; I will be more
Tell 'em "Sign up, pussy loves this uniform"
Hang a sign up "Killin's fun"
Right above your barracks door
Put Jesus' name up at your gun shop
He'll never be your lord
Getting' rich by sellin' death
A conscience; what you can't afford
You're not so clean; I see the blood-smeared limousine
Paranoi justified; eats the host that it owns
Paranoi; logic blind; sanctified
Time bomb keep ticking
Holy war; no such thing
Fortunes from suffering
Your child; burnt offering
There are no real Americans
No real Americans here
(Guitar solo)
No real Americans in the likes of these
I will be more than selfishness
I will be more; I will prevail beyond my fears
It's not about protection
'Bout puttin' food out on your table
You're lovin' cold, hard, killin' steel
It's not about free choice
It's about trappin' people; bloody leghold
Make your money; make your slaves
Moses save me from all imposters
Fuckin' up this promised land
Founding father, righteous genius
Stop this madness fed by greed
So I can love my homeland in good conscience
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