Emilie Autumn - A Plea To The Dying Songtexte

So, that's it then?
The rumor is you've moved on without me
You do not suffer as I do
It is so clear
What can I do?
And yet, I will reach you somehow
With my mind, all I have
I will invade your dreams
I will not ask if it is right
I do not care who must see me
Time is running out
No, I cannot touch you
But I will reach
Beyond dimension, beyond realm
Beyond memory to touch you
In some small way
Tell me
I beg you to stop
Stop and think what you are doing
Is it what you want?
Is it what you think you are supposed to want?
Is it the only comfort you have ever known
And you feel safe?
Well, you were right to want this
And I am wrong to want to stop you
But you need not make this move
Who says you must?
If you love, if she loves
Why ask the world to take notice?
Just let it be
And go on loving out of choice, not duty
Am I so blind?
What do I not see when I look at her that you do?
Why do I?
Do you not know
That everything you ever wished for
Everything you were afraid to say out loud
Everything you hate and desire
And will never understand
Lies in one who would never be brave enough to tell you
Can you but open your eyes for one single
Shining moment and see yourself in the light that I do?
Can you not see that you are the answer to all my fears
And I can feel safe with you?
And yes, I have my daggers and scars
And everything that would keep you back
But if you make this move
You close a door you can never re-open
And I will not pass through it anymore
And I can tell you a life lived in waiting
For what never comes
Is far better than a life content in the knowledge
Of what is certain never to be
Can you not wait?
Can you not be brave and see beyond this moment
Beyond this sense of comfort you feel?
See your life open before you
Trusting in things to come
Believing they will be worth the wait
And thrilling in the thought that you have no idea
What the next dream will bring you?
Now, I am here with you
See my eyes as you have so many times before
See the way I look at you
See what you have always, but never dared to show
Believe in your power to get the thing you dream of
Even when it is the very thing you fear
The thing no, no other man can hope to attain
Look into your heart and see written there
The name of whom you love
Who is it that fascinates you?
Who is it that knows you better than you, yourself?
Who is it that will be waiting at all ends
At the end of the path with a smirk and a sarcastic comment
And a kiss on the neck?
Don't leave me
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