Die Antwoord - Dagga Puff Songtexte

Yo, wat pomp?
Het jy die shit?
Ja, my bru, jy weet mos

Ja, maar nou kyk hier
My bru, jou moet nie my vir 'n fokken poes vat nie
Kyk hier nou, my bru, ek vat nie vir jou vir 'n poes nie man
Ons ken mos mekaar, is ons kla gepraat?

Ja, okei, maar ek soek nie daai kak nie
Ek soek die shit, het jy die fokken shit, my bru?
Ja, ek het die shit, my bru, hierdie shit is die shit

Nooit kak nie
Ek sal nooit daai kak vir jou verkoop nie
Ek staan hier op die fokken hoek, hulle ken my
Vra enige iemand, hulle sal vir jou se
"Rompelstompel, ja, daai ou se shit is die shit, my bru"

So dis die shit, ne?
Ja my bru dis die shit
Jy vat my nie vir n fokken poes nie?
Naai, ek vat nie vir jou vir n poes nie, my bru
Ok, let's do this

Dagga, dagga, puff, dagga, dagga, puff, puff
Ek's lus vir 'n bietjie bobbejaantwak
Let's phone Clive, hook up some love
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, puff, puff, puff

O, liewe Here, man, it smells so good
Stinky sticky fingers mull, mull, mull, mull
Roll it up tight, gimme that light
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, aflaai

Spokie in die rokie soos n reenboog
Twee rooi ogies, jus, my mond's so droog
Nogge puff puff, lekker laf lag
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, gag gag gag

Off to the cafe with a rumble in my tum
Got the money for the munchies yum yum yum
Chappies bubblegum, or a bucket full of fun
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, dum dum dum

Early in the morning, smoke a big fat spliff
Nothing quite like it, like a spaceman spiff
First you feel kief, then you get muf
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, sif, sif, sif

What you have to do today? Oh, a lot of stuff
Ag man, los it, bra, take another puff
Jirre, nice laugh, sit jou mind off
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, dof, dof, dof

Ring-a-ring-a-rosie, rappers bop to the beat
Pass to the left skoppe ill free style
Julle is deep, everyone freak
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, weak, weak, weak

Lekker insane in the membrane, bro
So many fokken lekker rappers come and go
Used to be the ou, nou's jy fokken flou
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, yo, yo, yo

Schizophrenic panic, "Shit, it's the fukken cops"
Kak, man, chill, bru, you fuckin' up my high
My chick is checkin out that guy, kom, ons fukken waai
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, die, die, die

(Drop the beat Hi-Tek, Jesus Christ)

Dagga, dagga, puff, dagga, dagga, puff, puff
Ek's lus vir n bietjie bobbejaantwak
Let's phone Clive, hook up some love
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, puff, puff, puff

Spokie in die rokie soos n reenboog
Twee rooi ogies, jus my mond's so droog
Nogge puff puff, lekker lag lag
Dagga, dagga, dagga, dagga, gag, gag, gag

Off to the cafe with a rumble in my tum
Got the money for the munchies yum yum yum
Chappies bubblegum or bucket full of fun
Dagga dagga dagga dagga, dum, dum, dum

Early in the morning smoke a big fat spliff
Nothing quite like it like a spaceman spiff
First you feel kief, then you get muf
Dagga dagga dagga dagga, sif, sif, sif

Een twee drie vier vyf ses sewe
Rook te veel dagga en dink oor jou lewe
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