Morning alone, blonde hair on the cover
Goodbye honey hair, it's all over
Yesterday's thoughts, yesterday's coffee
Yesterday's dreams, in bed beside me
We watched the sun spin, watched the moon rise
and thought they could climb on forever
Beaches and seas, dreams clutched in our thighs
Once it was always, now it's never
Softness to touch, and hands for holding
Eye-blinding eyes, and speech for trusting
A world half-explored, mountains and motion
Sunk like a stone beneath some black ocean
If I could cry them back up again
Who would revile me for trying
The sea keeps her own and her black ways
will not even smile for my crying
Dragons are fighting in the meadow
The blood on the ground is black and yellow
I took up the dare to be a lover
Goodbye honey hair, it's all over
Morning alone, blonde hair on the cover
Goodbye honey hair, it's all over