Coalest - A Stable Drop Songtexte

OncE MOre i had to stare In YoUR stupid FaCe
It's the lasT tiME i'll strUggle wITH mY enDLEss gRace
once moRe I HAd to hEar your hYpOcRItIcal voicE
IT's thE lAst time you'll TRIcK mE, I'm FUckINg anNOyed

ONce mOre I conTrOl mySeLf
INfinite hate agAiNst you and youR BReeD
once more I adMiRe MYself
Never again You bite the hand that feeds

barefAced! disgRaCEd!
tAkE That! hiLArIOus baStaRD!
INcredibLe! DeTeSTable!
tAKe thaT! mOTherfucKiNg coWard!

i'm SOBer
I'm sober
i'm Sober
I cOulD nevER BE so drUnkEN,
thAt i'lL swallOw yoUR LiES!
i'm coldEr!
bLeD dry, i'm the UndeaD SoldiER
MaRcHing out, I wiPe it All Out
DoN'T Say a wOrD, i DoN'T swaLLOw yoUr lies!

Once aGaiN i had TO BuiLd uP my cOurage
But i StIll fEel like i'm LiviN' IN a biRdCaGe
ONce Again i haD To draw A LIne undeR your fraUds
Yes, man! i see the dolLAR siGns in YouR eyEs!

oNce again i bReakeD my siLence
FELt likE a stone SmaSHing my FeArs
once AgaIN I see the esSenCe
NotHing'S WORth ExCEPt The paPer iN youR haND

i'M SEetHing, BuT i'm sTraNDEd
and you think that I'm A babe in ThE wooDS
YOu maKe me siCK, WHILe YOu're TellInG tALes
juST Do WhaT YOu SHoUld!
AnD if yOU think, thAT i wilL stop
yoU'Ve GoT no fuckiNg iDea
i Am a stABle dROp
NaIliNg dOWN youR daRkEst fearS!

yOu've got no FuckIng idea
yOu'VE gOt No fucKINg IDeA

Your lies!
Your liEs!
yoUR LiES!
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