This ones going out to you mum,
I really miss you.
I no you can hear me.
This is for you.
I no your looking down. Are you proud of me?
or are you upset i dont spend time with the family?
or do you understand the way ive be come?
There's so meny thing i wish i could say to you mum.
I was seventeen years young when you passed away,
I found it hard after you and dad devorived to find my way.
I cryed away the pain, althougt i didnt complane.
Caught in the middle of family sepiration,
Was stress on my brain, deprasstion came, I dont no how I coped.
Hit the pipe all my dreams are up in a cloud of smoke
they didnt help it got me more comfused
then i went to stay with dad when you moved
and you were crushed when i saw you in caught
after that letter i wrote, then one i reget that i wrote.
felt like you lost your son felt like i lost my mum
that was enuff and there was worse to come
you no i miss you mum
i really miss you
now your gone
now your gone
i never felt so close to eny body as i did with you
and now that im older i understand why people do the things they do
that i was lacking life experince around '89 shit got serious
Started with some ( ?? ) next thing i hear is Chumers,
and evrery thing the doctors trys was useless
Radio Treipi, Kemo Threaip
4th of july '91 down at the cemitry
nowing that this day would eventully come
i hope you no what you ment to me mum
you were the one who said experince the world
and do what you wanna do.
so i hope your really proud of this man standing in front of you
i no your watching me and i can feel you at times
your still in my dreams and your still in my mind
its been fithteen years since you left me behind
and i wish you were here now siping this wine
(i miss you)
you no i miss you mum
i really miss you
now your gone
now your gone
when i look back i didnt even no you at all
i was still growing up and just a little confused boy
who never said good bye when you left
last time i saw you nan told me not to talk about death
and the day you past away i was the last one called
and when they new the day beforee no body called at all
but you still see me going to chrismas buying gift doing it for you
that what you woulda wanted me to do
im getting threw life yeah im doing okay
started with you watching break dance back in the day
how funnys that you were therer when i first did graff
and you were my insperation to get out and rack
i miss you so much mum but im not sad and greving
when i was younger i was mad at you leaveing
but the reasons dont madder eny more i still love you to death
and forever after till i see you in the next life
you no i miss you mum
i really miss you
now your gone
now your gone.