Beyond Terror Beyond Grace - No Further Existence Songtexte
Balance is certain
The Yin Yang set
Perfect Symmetry
Life and Death
Belief - your life is important
Belief - you life has a point
I cannot accept this
I will not accept this
I cannot and will not believe what you believe
Because to me it's pointless
I make choices and I take responsibility
If it begins
It comes to an end
This world is ruined
This world is corrupt
And I despise what I am
And what we collectively have become
I fear nothing, eternity is a myth
It seems so clear to me, but humans refuse
To accept reality
After death
No Further Existence
More often than not in nature there is this idea of balance
I can accept this
To me it's a truth
This world can be beautiful if you're motivated and have a purpose
I refuse to live
By your rules
I have given my life a meaning
But to me there is no meaning of life.