Thou appearest beautifully on the horizon of heaven
Thou living great aten, the beginning of life
When thou art risen on the eastern horizon
Thou hast filled every land with thy beauty
Thou art gracious, great, glistening and high over every land
Thy rays encompass the lands to the limit of all that thou hast made
As thou art re, thou reachest to the end of them
Thou subduest them for thy beloved son
How manifold it is what thou hast made
They are hidden from the face of man
O sole God, o sole God
Like whom there is no other!
Aten - thou are in my heart
And there is no other that knows thee
Aten - save thy son akenaten
For thou hast made him well-versed in thy plans and in thy strength
The world came into being by thy hand
According as thou hast made them
When thou hast risen they're in life
When thou settest they die
Thou art lifetime thy own self
For one lives only through thee
Thou raise them up for thy son
Who came forth from thy body