Bandeira de Combate - Tenacity Songtexte

Afraid to face your duty
Not prepared to make a sacrifice
All though aware of the coming terror
Of the red beast you despise

Why don't you want to answer the call?
Have you got no sense of pride?
Don't be a fucking coward
And succumb to the endless night

Don't you tremble, shiver and shake
Don't run from your responsibility
There's too much at stake
Don't let weakness
Corrupt your soul
Show some bravery
Stand proud and tall

Fugiu do mais alto dever
Temendo os sacrifícios
Mas aterrorizado aponta
Os perigos do comunismo

Porque resistir ao chamado?
Se teu espírito vibra
Treme tua carne
Não se deixe dominar
Pela passividade covarde

Life is like facing a constant struggle
May wisdom be your guide
Be a warrior in this historical mission
Rise up stand up and fight

Levante-te com a fé inabalável
A sabedoria, sempre vence a malícia
Realize no combate sua missão histórica
Pois a vida sobre a terra é malícia
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