Beseech - A Bittersweet Tragedy Şarkı Sözü Çevirisi

All around i see what will come
Just a breeze from a raging storm
All the signs are gathered shades
We are stained from the steps you've made
You wanted all you're walking alone
It's a bittersweet tragedy oohhh
You wanted all you're walking alone
It's a bittersweet bittersweet tragedy
I am blinded and fooled by fear
As puppets in a cold dark play
We are trapped inside a cage
Until this downward spiral ends
You wanted all you're walking alone
It's a bittersweet tragedy oohhh
You wanted all you're walking alone
It's a bittersweet bittersweet tragedy

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Hep istedin yalniz yörüyorsun
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Hep istedin yalniz yörüyorsun
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